3. Merchant Integration Flow: Card Tokenisation and Tokenised Payments

3.1.10 Tokenisation: Step 7 – Asynchronous response from Payment Gateway for the Card Token Tokenisation Response

The merchant must be able to receive an asynchronous post from VPG containing the token, after the bank has completed their tokenisation process.
This response is sent to the notifyurl of the tokenisation request.
Take note, this is a lengthy batch process and runs as scheduled tasks between VFS and the bank.
It should never be relied upon to be returned quickly or included in a synchronous user–journey with the customer.

Figure 11. Tokenisation: Step 7 – Asynchronous Reponses from PG for the Card Tokenisation Tokenisation Reponse Field Definitions

The following fields are included in the asynchronous tokenisation response from payment gateway, and posted back to the Transaction.NotifyUrl:

Table 12. Tokenisation: Step 7 – Tokenisation Response Field Definitions
# Field
Type Length Description
1. merchantid M String Unique identifier issues to the merchant by payment gateway
2. tokenstatusid M Numeric
ID Status
1 Pending: when we first create record in the Customer Profile and are waiting for the response from ABSA (for internal use only)
2 Token Success: once the tokenisation response has been received from Absa and it was successful
3 Token Failed: once the tokenisation response has been received from Absa and it was not successful
3. merchanttokenid M String 36 The id of the token given to the merchant
4. bankresponsemessage M String 20 Message received from bank with the response code in parenthesis. e.g. "Approved (00)".
5. merchanttokenreference M String A unique identifier provided by the merchant (referred to as MerchantTokenReference in the transaction object) for instances where they wish to cater for multiple customer subscriptions.
A combination of merchantcustomerreference and merchanttokenreference will create a unique token, and allow a single customer to be able to have multiple subscriptions.
If this field is not passed it will be set to merchantcustomerreference.
6. merchantcustomerreference M String 36 A unique value representing the merchant's customer undertaking this tokenisation (.referred to as CustomerIdentifier in the transaction object)
7. tokenstatus M String 36 See tokenStatusid status in bold from #2 above.

